Previous Exhibitions

Centenary – Hjálmar R. Bárðarson (1918–2009)

  • Thw Wall - 2018

Photography was Hjálmar R. Bárðarson’s passion from an early age. From 1968 he worked mainly in colour. He made a name for himself as a photographer through his books, which were all his own work: he took the photographs, wrote the text, and also handled design and layout. Nine of his books consisted mainly of colour photographs, complemented by an erudite text. He addressed many subjects: Icelandic nature – vegetation, rocks and birds; presentations of Iceland and its history illustrated with his photographs; and regional subjects focussing on nature and history. The themes of his books informed his photographic approach at different times. Hjálmar was the second Icelander to specialise in photographing birds. This small selection of Hjálmar‘s colour photographs displayed here on the Wall provides a glimpse of his techniques and themes.

Hjálmar was a benefactor of the National Museum of Iceland, and we honour his memory with sincere gratitude.