Historic Buildings
  • Sómastaðir

Sómastaðir in Reyðarfjörður

Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 5 pm

The stone house at Sómastaðir was built of local rock in 1875, using glacial clay, smiðjumór, for mortar.  Open June 1st - August 31st, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 5 PM.

Hans Jakob Beck (1838–1920), a farmer and fishing-vessel owner and administrator of the district, had the house built to the south of the existing traditional turf farmhouse. He may have been inspired by houses of a similar type he had seen on his travels in Scotland. A two storey timber building stood for awhile at the western end of the stone house with through access on both floors.